General Financial Assistance
The St. Vincent de Paul Society provides rent & utility assistance through one-on-one appointments with a financial coordinator who is able to assess the needs of each person served as well as develop strategies to encourage self-sufficiency.
​Starting January 1, 2025, you must apply for financial assistance online but appointments will be IN PERSON instead of on the phone.
Remember to visit your local township trustee's office to request assistance. Click here for a list of township trustees.
Please note: We cannot provide help with mortgages.
Applying for Assistance:
Limited slots for financial assistance will open online on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at 10am (with exceptions for holidays). Spots fill very quickly, so it helps to have your documents ready to go before 10:00am.
PLEASE NOTE: As of October 1, 2024, you can receive financial help up to twice per calendar year, with at least 90 days between requests.
Documents must be uploaded with your application. Scroll down for required documents. All documents are required, EVEN IF WE HAVE HELPED YOU BEFORE.​
You will receive a follow-up email stating whether your application was approved or denied.
If your application is approved, you will receive instructions on how to schedule your appointment.​​
Applications are received and reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please do not submit more than one application.
Need Help?
If you do not have a computer, go to any branch of your South Bend Public Library to access one. If you have trouble uploading your documents, ask a librarian to make a tech appointment.
Required Documentation:
Identity Documents:
Your Photo ID (Drivers License/State ID/Passport or SB City ID)
AND one of the following documents for EVERY person living in the home, including children: Birth Certificate, Photo ID or Social Security Card
Proof of current address:
Current lease or a piece of mail with your address on it - utility bill, etc.
Lease Agreement (we cannot assist with mortgages)
Signed, Current, ALL Pages
Documentation of Income for ALL adults in the household. Examples of this documentation include:
Employment Income
Work Earnings - pay stubs/payroll printout, etc.
Unemployment Benefits - screenshot or scan of most recent payment
Workman's Compensation
Alimony/Spousal Support
Child Support
Business Earnings - tax return for a business you own
State/Government Benefits
Disability Income (SSI/SSDI) - printout
SSI benefits for any dependents or benefits received by a widow
TANF - statement
SNAP (food stamps) statement
Section 8 benefits - including utility check
VA disability compensation
Private insurance disability benefits statement
Social Security/Retirement
Statement of Monthly Benefit from Social Security
VA Pension
Private pension benefits
Earned Income Tax Credit
Investment Income
For help with utilities - most current utility bill with supporting detail of charges for EVERY utility you seek help with.
For help with rental assistance - statement from the landlord of rent amount due with the landlord's name and mailing address. (You will need to ask your landlord for this - typically called a Rent Ledger or Rent Statement).
Additional documentation, if it applies to you:
EAP (Energy assistance program) document from REAL Services
Documents from visits to any other agency that you have received financial assistance from for the same bills you scanned before.

Budgeting assistance, job searches & resume creation services are also available by appointment.